Thursday 25 February 2010


Friday happened on this day holiday so ... use your time as effectively as this will form.time a good personality. would be easier to deal with all things that will not realize .our deeds were formed from the discipline of our lives


Tuesday 16 February 2010


.sounds rare but that the power of the creator that there is nothing difficult for this phenomenon DIA.menyikapi we return to the college agung.keimanana true barometer for this catch is not a how-haired tail of the snake found in the district Cibulan brass has made the news they say smelling mystical, but that's what you are dealing penomena.bagaimana with this


Thursday 11 February 2010


how are you all ..... This has been two days on 12 febrari 2010 I was in my birth place precisely in the rural districts CIDAHU brass goods times there are friends who know or may have lived saya.tempat place I live is enough to clear out my subs kesumpekan I live in Jakarta too many stories that I can to make the material in reflection and learning for me.


Tuesday 26 January 2010

WORK experience

Tuesday 26th January 2010 yesterday was an experience I never forget, because the day I take the test on astra toyota psycho and my results once gagal.terpukul with this harsh reality who the hell do not want to work in nice places like the astra toyota.tapi all has occurred will be even better if the failure of this will bring wisdom to the fore for me toyota astra lagimemang very promising but the toyota astra depan.namun not all things created saya.namun toyota astra is part of a part of life experience saya.terus forward. ...


Monday 25 January 2010

Recover With Camel urine

.These days I get new information, that the urine turned the desert animals. Camel can heal many untested penyakit.our scientific truth as a Muslim because membebarkannya this information conveyed by the most noble human rosulollaoh saw through behavior


Friday 22 January 2010


These days a little brighter jakarta better, for this grace also kita.tetap boost morale and keep yourself in a spirit that never stopped burning kawan.semangat will continue if we are brave in front of mengahadapi challenge kita.akan easier if we kept high menjungjung value of truth and honesty.


Saturday 16 January 2010


hari ini bekasi mendung lagi tapi bukan berati gerak langkah kita seperti dilangit tanpa sinar mentari yang jaga semangat jangan pernah putus asa dalam mengarungi kehidupan ini.jaga selalu kesehatan, karena ini yang menopang aktivitas kita dalam meraih mimpi kita semalam yang akan menjadi kenyataan.jangan sepelekan rasa sakit yang kita derita sekalipun hanya sakit flu.selalu belajar disiplin dalam menjaga kesehatan, ini akan berpengaruh dalam kepribadian seseorang.jangan pernah menyerah dalam meraih mimpi dan cita cita, saya yakin hanya masalah waktu.Dan apakah kita sabar dalam menunggu waktu itu!!!! karena saya yakin pula saya dan anda sendiri tidak tahu kapan mimpi dan cita cita itu mengahapiri nanati kita sambung lagi tetap semangat dan berdo'a.


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